Welcome to our Blog. LifeStyle Advisory is a unique service never before offered in Pakistan. It is set up to help people break the shackles of chronic illnesses and live a disease free life which they never before imagined.
As we all know, the cost of Healthcare in Pakistan is increasing day by day, as more and more people are getting sicker and sicker and before our intervention, there was no solution in sight. There was no hope. There was no remedy. Unfortunately
The wast array of chronic illnesses like Obesity, Coronary Artery Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, many Autoimmune Diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE or more commonly known as Lupus) etc, Hypertension, Dementia, Polycystic Ovarian Disease (or Syndrome or more commonly known as PCOS or PCOD), and some horrific cancers like Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer etc etc.
Unfortunately, the list goes on and on and as the knowledge of functional medicine is advancing, more and more diseases are being added to the list. At the rate these diseases are spreading and claiming lives of millions of people around the globe, specially in our neck of the woods, people are just sitting ducks with no hope for the future improvement. Well. That was the case until we jumped in to save the day. Now there is hope. Now you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Just imagine this. What if we are living inside a Matrix, so to speak. What if the world that is stretched over our heads is unreal. Created by the blood sucking Industrial Nexus of Evil. The Big Pharma and the Big Food Industries and they love nothing better than sucking the life out of you. Making you slave and not letting you get healthier and happier.
As humans, our lifespans are limited and finite. Who’s lifespan is how long, no one knows. One thing we know though, this lifespan however long or short is the sum of two sub spans. Health span and Disease span. Let’s assign alphabets to them and put them in a formula to have better understanding. Let’s Suppose Lifespan is LS, Health Span is HS and Disease span is DS. So
LS = HS + DS, where LS is constant.
Let’s make LS 100. Hence the sum of HS and DS will have to be equal to 100. Right? Now imagine that the HS is 80. Then DS will have to be 20 to round up both sides of equation. This means if a person will live to be a 100, he will be sick for 20 years of his life. Now who would like to be in that unfortunate situation? No one we guess. By the same token, imagine if you will, that HS is 100. Can you guess what DS would be in that scenario? Of course it will have to be Zero as sum of HS and DS can not be more than 100
LS is out of our control but HS can be elevated to reach as high as LS, however long LS may be. And that’s where we come in. To help you raise your Health Span as high and closer to Life Span as possible. So you can live a healthy life up until its departure time. Who wouldn’t want that?
We have just created this blog and we will be adding more and more helpful information shortly. Remember to check this link time to time to find out how you can be healthier and happier for the rest of your life. LifeStyle Advisory is here to make sure that you achieve this goal.
Have a long and healthy life and we wish you all a life time of Happiness.
We leave you with a quote from Hipocrates, the father of Medicine
“All diseases start from the gut”
Best Regards
Your LifeStyle Advisors